Such an about-turn may reflect nervousness about rising prices on the spot market. 这种转变也反映出对现货市场价格上涨的担心。
The miners are pushing to replace the decades-old benchmark system with short-term contracts linked to the spot market. 矿商们正在努力推动用与现货市场关联的短期合约取代有数十年历史的基准价格机制。
May find himself or herself as much involved in these markets as in the spot market. 会发现他或她本人的业务工作涉及这些创新的金融市场同现货市场一样多。
Global miners and Japanese steelmakers have reached a tentative deal to replace the 40-year-old iron ore pricing system based on annual contracts and lengthy negotiations with short-term contracts linked to the spot market. 全球矿商和日本钢铁制造商已达成初步协议,拟以与现货市场挂钩的短期合约,取代有着40年历史、基于年度合同和冗长谈判的铁矿石定价体系。
The Study of Price Return and Spillover Effects between Interest Rate Futures Market and Spot Market in Taiwan of China 台湾利率期货和现货价格收益率与溢出效应研究
Study on the Relationship between the China's Cotton Futures Market and the Spot Market 我国棉花期货市场与现货市场关系研究
The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between China's Copper and Aluminum Futures Market and Spot Market 我国铜铝期货市场与现货市场关系的实证分析
The iron ore swaps allow participants to hedge exposure to the physical iron ore spot market. 铁矿石掉期协议能够让参与者对冲铁矿石现货市场上的风险。
Research on Supplier's Channel Choosing and Contract Designing Strategy Considering Spot Market 现货市场存在下的供应商渠道选择与合约设计策略研究
The industry instead agreed to move to quarterly contracts linked to the nascent iron ore spot market. 钢铁业同意采用与新兴的铁矿石现货市场挂钩的季度合约定价机制。
Research on Suppliers 'Production Strategy Considering the Difficulties of Spot Market Transaction 考虑现货市场交易难度的供应商产能策略研究
Research on the Relevance between NDF Market and Spot Market 人民币NDF市场与境内即期市场的相关性研究
The paper considering the sourcing decision when there are kinds of options and spot market. 考虑存在多种期权合同市场和实时市场的情况下购买者最优采购策略问题。
The spot market price is determined by Chinese demand. 中国需求决定了现货市场的价格。
In future, the spot market is likely to play a bigger role. 未来,现货市场的作用可能进一步扩大。
The price will change again the following quarter, reflecting the spot market. 在下下个季度,价格将再次改变,以反映现货市场的变化。
Study on the Dynamic Relations between Chinese Soybean's Future Market and Spot Market 中国大豆期货市场和现货市场的动态关系研究
Model for Retailer's Procurement Based on Option Contract and Spot Market 一种基于期权合约和现货市场的零售商采购模型研究
The steelmakers would face higher costs if they move to quarterly prices linked to the spot market. 如果转而采用与现货市场挂钩的季度价格体系,钢铁制造商将面临更高的成本。
This has increased the contango& industry jargon for when prices for delivery in the future are higher than in the spot market in US crude. 这增加了美国原油的期货溢价,这个行业术语是指未来交付的原油期货的价格高于现货市场价格。
This paper analyzed the price discovery relationship between futures market and spot market of non-ferrous metals in China by using the method of panel co-integration. 运用面板协整方法分析我国有色金属期货市场现货市场的价格发现关系。
One can either hedge or speculate in the spot market for foreign exchange. 人们可以在即期外汇市场上进行套期保值或投机。
There were reports of Chinese state-owned banks heavily buying dollars, which drove down the value of the renminbi in the spot market. 有报道称,中国国有银行正大量购入美元,压低了现货市场上人民币的价值。
As China buys most of its oil in the spot market, this is a significant saving. 鉴于中国在现货市场购买多数石油,这是一项重大节省。
PTA futures obviously moved on again, gravity continues to uplift driven spot market transactions. PTA期货再度明显上移,带动现货市场交易重心继续抬升。
Smaller mills buy iron ore on the spot market and are unable to lock in prices by annual contract. 小型钢企在现货市场上采购铁矿石,它们无法通过年度合约的方式锁定价格。
The miners disagree and maintain that the spot market represents the real price. 矿商不赞同这一说法,坚称现货市场反映了真实的价格。
The system has been replaced by quarterly contracts linked to the spot market, where prices are higher. 取代该体系的是与现货市场挂钩的季度合约,而现货市场通常价格较高。
Higher forward prices, relative to the spot market, reflect these increased costs. 远期合约价格较现货市场价格升水反映了这些上升的成本。
Optimal Portfolio of Sourcing for Retailers in Contracts and Spot Market 合同市场和现货市场中的零售商最优采购决策组合